
Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation (BSMT)

This is a higher education degree program that deals with the study of navigation, cargo handling and stowage, controlling the safe operation and care for persons on board the ship at the operational level.

This program aims to:

  • Provide and equip students with the knowledge, understanding, proficiencies, skills, competences, attitudes and values to qualify and prepare them for assessment and certification as Officer-in-Charge of a Navigational Watch (OICNW) on seagoing ships of 500 gross tonnage or more; and
  • Produce graduates who are qualified to pursue a professional career or advanced studies in a related maritime field of specialization.

Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering (BSMarE)

This program aims to:

  • Provide and equip students with the knowledge, understanding, proficiencies, skills, competencies, attitudes and values to qualify and prepare them for assessment and certification as Officer-in-Charge of an Engineering Watch (OICEW) in a manned engine-room or designated duty engineer officer in a periodically unmanned engine-room on seagoing ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 KW propulsion power or more; and
  • Produce graduates who are qualified to pursue a professional career or advanced studies in a related maritime field of specialization.

Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration (BSCA)

The program aims to produce graduates who possess fundamental knowledge, values and skills in the different areas of logistics industry like transportation and delivery, storage, packaging, cargo handling, distribution processing, and information processing, and many systems have been put in place to deliver products from the production location or factory to the consumer quickly and on time, with the mission of empowering Filipino families and consumers for them to improve their well-being. A graduate of the program qualifies for managerial and technical positions in the government, supply chain management service establishments, buying and trading companies, retail service and logistics industry.

Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management (BSHM)

A graduate of the program applies knowledge and skills related to the ideas, principles, concepts, basic research methods and problem-solving techniques in the operation of the accommodation, food and beverage enterprises; demonstrates the skills needed to acquire, understand and assess information from a range of sources applicable to improving efficiency in the accommodation, food and beverage operations; possesses knowledge and skills in the application of work-related technology, including information, education and communication (IEC); demonstrates leadership, communication and collaborative competences; and prepares timely reports related to their area of responsibility.

Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management (BSTM)

The demand for tourism workers extends beyond Philippine borders with the advent of the ASEAN community. Within this context, the ASEAN Economic Community has four pillars, with focus on a single market and a production base that will allow for free flow of goods, services, skilled labor, investment, and capital. With this, several Mutual Recognition Arrangements were signed by the ASEAN Member States (AMS), including the ASEAN MRA for Tourism Professionals, signed last November 2012. This will allow AMS to mutually recognize or accept some or all aspects of one another’s conformity with assessment results for Tourism Professionals
through the use of the common ASEAN Tourism Curriculum (CATC).

Bachelor of Science in Office Administration (BSOA)

Program goals are expected outcomes for graduates to be able to qualify for a career in office administration, specifically, in various general and specialized administrative support, supervisory, and management functions, acquire the competencies and skills, knowledge, and work values necessary for self-employment, and for the students to be exposed in the real world of administrative tasks; modern means of curriculum delivery is the primary goal of the program as well as to ensure the effectiveness of teaching.

Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship (BSEntrep)

The goals of the program for BS Entrepreneurship graduates are to set up and manage their own business or work in any organization where entrepreneurial competencies are required, assume managerial positions in the field of business development, corporate planning and other related positions in corporate or public organizations.